Audio Library 音樂庫無版權配樂免費背景音樂下載



The What, How and Why of Library Music

2019年8月26日 — It's important to know that the history of library music and the mainstream is not normal. This is because library music is not normal.

Production music

Production music (also known as stock music or library music) is recorded music ... Other independent libraries include Vanacore Music, ALIBI Music and West One ...

The Strange World of Library Music

2014年5月20日 — The mysterious field of library music has been an endless sample source for hip-hop producers as well as an inspiration for experimentalists ...

Library Music

Play Library Music on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

Audio Library · No Copyright Music

Audio Library is a YouTube channel dedicated to search, catalog, sort and publishes free music for content creators.

PremiumBeat - Exclusive Royalty

PremiumBeat's library of royalty-free music and sound effects offers exclusive production music and studio-quality SFX for any video, app, podcast.

Royalty Free Music Library

With a royalty free music library, you have unlimited access to a diverse catalog of music that can be used in any type of video or film production.


2019年8月26日—It'simportanttoknowthatthehistoryoflibrarymusicandthemainstreamisnotnormal.Thisisbecauselibrarymusicisnotnormal.,Productionmusic(alsoknownasstockmusicorlibrarymusic)isrecordedmusic...OtherindependentlibrariesincludeVanacoreMusic,ALIBIMusicandWestOne ...,2014年5月20日—Themysteriousfieldoflibrarymusichasbeenanendlesssamplesourceforhip-hopproducersaswellasaninspirationforexperimenta...